What We Do
We offer the following services:
To the Client / Employer:
Pre-construction management
Project Management
Contract Management
Stakeholder Management
Contract Administration
Quantity Surveying
Planning & Programming
Cost estimates & feasibilities
Risk Mitigation and Risk Management Schedules
Measurement and Bills of Quantities
Contract Documents
Valuations, Final Accounts & Claims.
Value Engineering.
Preparation of Final Accounts
Clerk of Works / Quality Inspections
Photographic project reports
Post contract duties.
Snagging reports
Access to a large specialists supply chain
Guidance, advice, support on listed buildings and heritage projects
Advice of working in and around Scheduled Monuments
Advice of working on Grade I and Grade II Listed buildings
Advice of Heritage Lottery Funded projects
To the Contractor / Sub-Contractor:
Estimating & Tendering.
Develop bid winning strategies
Risk Management Schedules.
Measurement of Quantities
Interim applications for payment.
Health & Safety Plans.
Procurement advice.
Final Accounts and release of retention funds.
Scheduling & programming.
Assistance on site
Quality inspections and monitoring
Monthly contractors reports
Compilation of CDM files
CDM procedure documents
RAMs review and approval
Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan
Procurement schedule
Long lead-in items